Who is eligible to be a member?

The Cleveland Academy membership is composed solely of veterinarians.

Veterinary technicians, hospital staff members, students, and industry representatives are always welcome to attend meetings.  However, they are not considered members of the academy.

If you would like to become a member, please click here.

2 Comments On “Who is eligible to be a member?”

  1. I am a retired veterinarian. Although I graduated from Ohio State 1981, I spent the bulk of my career working in Pennsylvania and currently maintain only a Pennsylvania license. I have a second home in the Cleveland area and would like to explore membership in the Cleveland Academy of Veterinary Medicine, primarily for CE. What would membership cost and is there a category for retired veterinarians?

    Thank you for your help

    Kathy Schweikart, DVM

    • Hello Dr. Schweikart,
      I can add you to the database and you pay no membership dues as an honorary veterinarian. I will just need you to complete a membership form and return back to me at jmlppsinc@gmail.com. You can preregister for any meeting this year and pay at the door $65.00 each meeting. If you have any questions or need any further assistance, please let me know.
      Thank you,
      Jennifer Leffel

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