Zoonotic disease

Zoonotic disease


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed


Cleveland Zoo Auditorium
3900 Wildlife Way, Cleveland, Ohio, 44109

Registration starts 12:30 pm

Registration will be open through Tuesday, April 12th due to technical issues with the newsletter.

Dr. Jenifer Chatfield is the Staff Veterinarian at 4J Conservation Center, an instructor for FEMA/DHS’s agroterrorism courses, National Disaster Medicine System Team Member, and coordinates a county health department’s plan for a bioterrorism response. She graduated with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Immediately following graduation, she worked as the Associate Veterinarian at the San Antonio Zoo as well as a part-time/relief associate at the Animal Emergency Room in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Chatfield has pursued both emergency medicine and zoo medicine throughout her career. She has owned two emergency clinics, in Florida and Texas, and has been the Senior Veterinarian in a zoological park. Additionally, Dr. Chatfield was the veterinarian supervising the biomedical research program at the University of Texas at Brownsville for four years. She has completed fieldwork in Madagascar and South America and continues to explore new areas of medicine as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. Dr. Chatfield was the Florida Department of Health’s zoonotic and vector-borne disease program veterinary and agricultural liaison for several years and continues to be heavily involved in public health efforts through veterinary medicine as a Medical Reserve Corps member, Associate Editor of the international “One Health Newsletter,” and recently developed the “Veterinary Support to Zoological Animals in a Disaster” for the National Disaster Medical System’s National Veterinary Response Team training curriculum and was recently promoted to the position of Regional Leader for the program. Dr. Chatfield currently serves as the Chair of the Florida Veterinary Medical Association’s (FVMA) Public Health Committee and Co-Chair of the FVMA’s Disaster Response Committee. She was also an original founder of the Pasco Hernando Veterinary Medical Association (PHVMA) and has served as the PHVMA’s President since 2008. Recently, Dr. Chatfield was selected as a Future Leader by the AVMA and was the recipient of a Gold Star award from the Florida Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Chatfield has published many peer-reviewed articles on varied topics including pharmacokinetics, clinical medicine, and infectious disease.

Dr. Jenifer Chatfield


Bookings are closed for this event.